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Athletic Training & Kinesiology

Critical Literacy

Critical literacy is an instructional approach that advocates the adoption on "critical" perspectives toward text. It encourages readers to actively analyze texts and offer strategies for what proponents describe as uncovering underlying messages. 

Watch these two videos Evaluating Sources and Reading Articles as they discuss in more detail engaging with research sources while applying critical literacy. 

Information Literacy

Critical Literacy

Critical literacy is an instructional approach that advocates for a "critical" perspective towards texts. Readers with critical literacy actively analyze texts and uncover their underlying messages. 

The "Evaluating Sources" and "Reading Articles" videos provide a detailed discussion of how to use critical literacy to engage research sources.

Reading Articles

Evaluating Resources 

Accuracy Authority Objectivity Currency Coverage

Is the author's argument sound? 

Are they leaving out important, relevant information?

Who wrote the page? Can you contact him or her?

Is this person qualified to write this document?

Are the author(s) credentials or affiliations listed? 

Check the document URL: What institution or organization published this document?

Is the information presented in the document cited correctly in a bibliography or reference list? 

What is the purpose of the document?

What might be the author's motivation?

How detailed is the information? 

What opinions (if any) are expressed by the authors?

Is the information biased?

When was it produced?

When was it last updated? 

How up-to-date are the links? Are there dead links? 

Is the page content outdated?

Can you access the information requested?

Is the information locked behind a "paywall" or login requirements?

Is the information thorough? 

Take a look at this website:  The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus

Take a look at this website: Quackwatch 

Take a look at this website: Presidential Candidates Take a look at this website: GenoChoice Take a look at this website: OncoLink