These abbreviations are taken from the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition. (CMOS 10.44) Additional guidance may be found in The SBL Handbook of Style, if needed. Please ask a librarian if you have any questions.
Note that the shorter option for each abbreviation, when provided, does not include a period.
Amos | Amos or Am |
1 Chronicles | 1 Chron. or 1 Chr |
2 Chronicles | 2 Chron. or 2 Chr |
Daniel | Dan. or Dn |
Deuteronomy | Deut. or Dt |
Ecclesiastes | Eccles. or Eccl |
Esther | Esther or Est |
Exodus | Exod. or Ex |
Ezekiel | Ezek. or Ez |
Ezra | Ezra or Ezr |
Genesis | Gen. or Gn |
Habakkuk | Hab. or Hb |
Haggai | Hag. or Hg |
Hosea | Hosea or Hos |
Isaiah | Isa. or Is |
Jeremiah | Jer. or Jer |
Job | Job or Jb |
Joel | Joel or Jl |
Jonah | Jon. or Jon |
Joshua | Josh. or Jo |
Judges | Judg. or Jgs |
1 Kings | 1 Kings or 1 Kgs |
2 Kings | 2 Kings or 2 Kgs |
Lamentations | Lam. or Lam |
Leviticus | Lev. or Lv |
Malachi | Mal. or Mal |
Micah | Mic. or Mi |
Nahum | Nah. or Neh |
Nehemiah | Neh. or Neh |
Numbers | Num. or Nm |
Obadiah | Obad. or Ob |
Proverbs | Prov. or Prv |
Psalms | Ps. (pl. Pss.) or PS (pl. Pss) |
Ruth | Ruth or Ru |
1 Samuel | 1 Sam. or 1 Sm |
2 Samuel | 2 Sam. or 2 Sm |
Song of Solomon (=Song of Songs) | Song of Sol. or Sg |
Zechariah | Zech. or Zec |
Zephaniah | Zeph. or Zep |
Baruch | Bar. or Bar |
Ecclesiasticus (=Sirach) | Ecclus. |
1 Esdras | 1 Esd. |
2 Esdras | 2 Esd. |
Judith | Jth. or Jdt |
1 Maccabees | 1 Macc. or 1 Mc |
2 Maccabees | 2 Macc. or 2 Mc |
Prayer of Manasses (=Manasseh) | Pr. of Man. |
Sirach (=Ecclesiasticus) | Sir. or Sir |
Susanna | Sus. |
Tobit | Tob. or Tb |
Wisdom (=Wisdom of Solomon) | Ws |
Wisdom of Solomon (=Wisdom) | Wisd. of Sol. |
Acts of the Apostles |
Acts |
Apocalypse (=Revelation) | Apoc. |
Colossians | Col. or Col |
1 Corinthians | 1 Cor. or 1 Cor |
2 Corinthians | 2 Cor. or 2 Cor |
Ephesians | Eph. or Eph |
Galatians | Gal. or Gal |
Hebrews | Heb. or Heb |
James | James or Jas |
John (Gospel) | John or Jn |
1 John (Epistle) | 1 John or 1 Jn |
2 John (Epistle) | 2 John or 2 Jn |
3 John (Epistle) | 3 John or 3 Jn |
Jude | Jude |
Luke | Luke or Lk |
Mark | Mark or Mk |
Matthew | Matt. or Mt |
1 Peter | 1 Pet. or 1 Pt |
2 Peter | 2 Pet. or 2 Pt |
Philippians | Phil. or Phil |
Philemon | Philem or Phlm |
Revelation (=Apocalypse) | Rev. or Rv |
Romans | Rom. or Rom |
1 Thessalonians | 1Thess. or 1 Thes |
2 Thessalonians | 2 Thess. or 2 Thes |
1 Timothy | 1 Tim. or 1 Tm |
2 Timothy | 2 Tim. or 2 Tm |
Titus | Titus or Ti |
Versions and sections of the Bible are usually abbreviated by their initials, if they consist of more than one word.
Apocrypha | Apoc. |
American Revised Version | ARV |
American Standard Version | ASV |
American Translation | AT |
Authorized (King James) Version | AV |
Contemporary English Version | CEV |
Douay Version | DV |
English Revised Version | ERV |
English version(s) | EV |
Hebrew Bible | HB |
Jerusalem Bible | JB |
King James Version | KJV |
Septuagint | LXX |
Masoretic Text | MT |
New American Bible | NAB |
New English Bible | NEB |
New Jerusalem Bible | NJB |
New Revised Standard Version | NRSV |
New Testament | NT |
Old Testament | OT |
Revised Standard Version | RSV |
Revised Version | RV |
Syriac | Syr. |
Vulgate | Vulg. |
World English Bible | WEB |