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A guide to resources for the study of Philosophy

Journal Articles

Use the following databases to help you locate journal articles on your topic of interest.

Best Bets are databases and journals Welder Library subscribes to or allow for open access. Please start your research using these resources. Other resources are available through Welder Library or on the internet. You are welcome to use our Interlibrary Loan service to request the article you are looking for. 

Best Bets 

Academic Search Ultimate - A multi-disciplinary database that provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles.

Philosopher's Index - The Philosopher’s Index, produced by the Philosopher’s Information Center, is a current and comprehensive bibliographic database covering scholarly research in all major fields of philosophy. The Philosopher’s Index, considered the most thorough index of journal literature on the subject, features author-written abstracts covering scholarly research published in journals and books, including contributions to anthologies and book reviews. The Philosopher’s Index contains research published since 1940 including over 680 journals from more than 50 countries with content representing a variety of languages.

Other Resources

ATLA Religion Database and ATLA Serials PLUS - ATLA Religion Database is the premier scholarly tool for researching theological perspectives on history, the humanities and the social sciences, as well as biblical studies, world religions and church history. ATLA is the full file version of ATLA Religion Database with the addition of links from article citations directly to the complete content of the articles. Articles are from the world's most essential religion journals, in all theological disciplines.

National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly- Addresses the ethical, philosophical, theological questions raised by the rapid pace of modern medical and technological progress. – PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by a community of philosophers.