US Copyright Office- Summary of The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
Circumvent: v. find a way around (an obstacle) from Oxford American Dictionary
Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 was entacted to address intellectual property in the digital environment.
Under the DMCA,
Sections 1201 of the Copyright Law (Title 17) prohibits circumvention of TPMs employed by or on behalf of copyright owners to control access to their work. This section is reviewed every three years by the Librarian of Congress. The next update will be in done in 2021.
As an instructor,
Using screen capture software
The DMCA exemptions now fully address the use of screen capture software. It is not always clear whether the screen capture process uses circumvention techniques or whether it captures video after the decryption process which is the legal approach. In the event the capturing is circumventing, DMCA exemptions allow short portions of the works to be copied for comment and criticism for educational purposes. Commonly used screen capture software are Camtisia, Jing, SnagIT, Captivate, or Screencast-o-matic. All have their limitations.
When screen capture software isn't good enough
The DMCA permits the circumvention of TPMs when screen capture software does not provide the level of quality needed for comment or criticism. This exemption applies to film studies classes or any class doing film and media analysis. University faculty and students may take advantage of this exemption.
DMCA Exemption Table
Motion pictures on DVD (lawfully made and acquired) that are protected by CSS (content scrambling system). Note: Exemption does not apply to Blu-ray | Motion pictures, (lawfully made and acquired) via online distribution services, protected by various TPMs | Motion pictures on DVD, lawfully made and acquired) that are protected by CSS (content scrambling system) | Motion pictures, lawfully made and acquired via online distribution services, protected by various TPMs | |
Amount that may copied | Short Portions Only | Short Portions Only | Short Portions only | Short Portions Only |
Lawful purposes in these instances: |
Criticism or comment in the following instances: -in noncommercial videos; -in documentary films; -in nonfiction multimedia ebooks offering film analysis; -for educational purposes in film studies or other courses requiring close analysis of film and media excerpts by university faculty and students |
Criticism or comment in the following instances: -in noncommerical videos; -in documentary films; -in nonfiction multimedia ebooks offering film analysis; -for educational purposes in film studies or other courses requiring close analysis of film and media excerpts by university faculty and students. |
Criticism or comment in the following instances: -in noncommercial videos; -in documentary films; -in nonfiction multimedia ebooks offering film analysis; -for educational purposes by college and university faculty and students. |
Criticism or comment in the following instances: -in noncommercial videos; -in documentary films; -in nonfiction multimedia ebooks offering film analysis; -for educational purposes by university faculty and students. |
Permitted Action: | Circumvention permitted | Circumvention permitted | Screen capture software may or may not use circumvention techniques; however a circumvention is permitted under these limited circumstances. | Screen capture software may or may not use circumvention techniques, however a circumvention is permitted under these limited circumstances. |
When circumvention or screen capture apply: | ...where the person engaging in circumvention believes...that circumvention is necessary because reasonably available alternatives, such as noncircumventing methods or using screen capture software... are not able to produce the level of high quality content required to achieve the desired criticism or comment... | ...where the person engaging in circumvention believes...that circumvention is necessary because reasonably available alternatives, such as noncircumventing methods or using screen capture software...are not able to produce the level of high quality content required to achieve the desired criticism or comment... | ...where the circumvention, if any, is undertaken using screen capture technology that is reasonable represented and offered to the public as enabling the reproduction of motion picture content after such content has been lawfully decrypted, ...where the person engaging in the circumvention is necessary to achieve the desired criticism or comment... | ...where the circumvention, if any, is undertaken using screen capture technology that is reasonable represented and offered to the public as enabling the reproduction of motion picture content after such content has been lawfully decrypted, ...where the person engaging in the circumvention is necessary to achieve the desired criticism or comment... |
Excerpts of motion pictures (including television programs and videos) for criticism and comment:
For more information on the 2018 exemptions, visit the US Copyright Office's website.