National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the most popular social work organization. The NASW is devoted to helping social workers develop their professional identity. Additionally, they set standards for the profession.
The American Case Management Association offers mentoring, case management resources, and educational forums.
"The Network for Social Work Management is an international organization focused on advancing social work management and leadership" (NSWMIO, 2021). They "envision a just and inclusive society co-created by diverse leaders using a racial equity framework to advance social good" (NSWMIO).
"The International Association for Social Work with Groups (IASWG) is the premier international association for social workers and allied helping professionals engaged in group work. The purpose of this non-profit, member-driven organization is to promote excellence in group work practice, education, field instruction, research and publication" (IASWG, 2021).
"The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) is the global body for the profession. The Federation and its national members strive for social justice, human rights and inclusive, sustainable social development through the promotion of social work best practice and engagement in international cooperation" (IFSW, 2021).
"The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is the national association representing social work education in the United States...CSWE supports quality social work education and provides opportunities for leadership and professional development, so that social workers play a central role in achieving the profession’s goals of social and economic justice" (CSWE, 2021).
"The Society for Social Work and Research [SSWR] advances, disseminates, and translates research that addresses issues of social work practice and policy and promotes a diverse, just, and equitable society" (SSWR, 2021). "Our members include faculty in schools of social work and other professional schools, research staff in public and private agencies, and masters/doctoral students" (SSWR, 2021).
The School Social Work Association of America (SSWAA) is "the only national organization solely dedicated to promoting the profession of School Social Work” (SSWAA, n.d.).
The Latino Social Workers organization promotes cultural humility, continuing education, and self-reflection byway of conferences and resources for social workers who work with Latino individuals.
"The National Association of Black Social Workers, Inc. (NABSW), comprised of people of African ancestry, [it] is committed to enhancing the quality of life and empowering people of African ancestry through advocacy, human services delivery, and research." They stand against "racial domination, economic exploitation, and cultural oppression" (NABSW, n.d.).
According to the National Association of Puerto Rican Hispanic Social Workers, they are "a non-profit organization... dedicated to the enhancement and general welfare of Puerto Rican and other Hispanic families. Our Members are Social Workers, other Human Service professionals, and students interested in issues that affect and impact the Puerto Rican/Hispanic communities with a commitment to the organization. Our mission is to organize social workers and other human service professionals to strengthen, develop and improve the resources and services that meet the needs of Puerto Rican/Hispanic families" (National Association of Puerto Rican Hispanic Social Workers, 2016).
The social work section of the American Public Health Association sets standards, generates research, and advocates for social work resources and programs to be used in healthcare.
This non-profit organization helps individuals who have cancer and their family members to receive psychosocial services.
"The Association of Pediatric Oncology Social Workers is a group of passionate professionals focused on enhancing the lives of children with cancer and blood disorders and the families who care for them. We accomplish this by... research, advocacy, education, and program development." (APOSW, 2021).
"ASTHO is the national nonprofit organization representing public health agencies... [they] formulate and influence sound public health policy and ensure excellence in state-based public health practice. ASTHO's primary function is to track, evaluate, and advise members on the impact and formation of public or private health policy" (ASTO, 2021).
The CSWA advocates for the rights and benefits of social workers. They advocate for "adequate reimbursement" and "more effective mental health treatment coverage in the essential benefits" (CSWA, n.d.).
"Founded in 1978, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization [(NHPCO)] is the nation’s largest membership organization for providers and professionals who care for people affected by serious and life-limiting illness. Its broad community of members includes local hospice and palliative care providers" (NHPCO, 2021).
"The National Organization of Forensic Social Work was established to provide for the advancement of education in the field of forensic social work through: annual conferences, newsletter publication[s], networking opportunities, political action, [and a] professional journal, thereby enhancing the professional activities of forensic practitioners, administrators, and policy makers" (NOFSW, 2020).
"The NAPSW is a group of social workers who help individuals, families, and communities respond to psychosocial issues that emerge during the period from pre-pregnancy through an infants first year of life" (NAPSW, 2016).
"The Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care is an association of 500+ members who are dedicated to promoting the universal availability, accessibility, coordination, and effectiveness of healthcare, with a focus on the psychosocial components of health and illness" (SSWLHC, 2021).
"RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE, y in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice" (RAINN, 2021).
The Catholic Social Workers Association (CSWNA) "has been established for social workers who are faithful to the teachings of the church and are looking for support and direction within their profession based upon church teachings. Catholic Social Workers National Association affirms and supports the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church" (CSWNA, n.d.).
"The North American Association of Christians in Social Work is a non-profit organization with the mission to equip [its] members to integrate Christian faith and professional social work practice" (NAACSW, 2021).
"The American Board of Clinical Social Work (ABCSW) is the national standard-setting organization for the profession of Clinical Social Work. The ABCSW sets and promotes national practice standards, publishes position statements, [and] issues the Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Social Work (BCD) credentials" (ABCSW, 2020).
"The Rural Social Work Caucus is an informal organization... [with] voluntary leaders that work to keep a voice for social work practice with rural places active within the social work profession. [It works] to add to the knowledge base for social work practice within rural contexts by encouraging those with interests in rural places to publish and share their research and expertise... On the fun side, the caucus has its own song and a membership label for its members, 'caucazoid' that reflects our informal nature, yet strong ties to one another and social work practice in rural places" (Rural Social Work Caucus, 2021).
American Board of Clinical Social Work. (2020). Welcome to the ABCSW. ABCSW.
American Case Management Association. (2013, April 11). About ACMA. ACMA.
American Public Health Association. (2021). Public health social work. APHA.
Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work. (2021). About us. AGESW.
Association of Oncology Social Work. (2021). About AOSW. AOSW.
Association of Pediatric Oncology Social Workers. (2021). Advancing pediatric psychosocial oncology care. APOSW.
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. (2021). About us. ASTO.
Catholic Social Workers National Association. (n.d.). Mission statement. CSWNA.
Clinical Social Work Association. (n.d.). What should you join the CSWA? Clinical Social Work Association.
Council on Social Work Education. (2021). About us. CSWE.
International Association for Social Work with Groups. (2021). Membership. IASWG.,...%204%20Organizational%20Membership.%20...%20More%20items...%20
International Federation of Social Workers. (2021). About IFSW. IFSW.
National Association of Black Social Workers. (n.d.). Mission statement. National Association of Black Social Workers.
National Association of Perinatal Social Workers. (2016) About NAPSW. National Association of Perinatal Social Workers.
National Association of Puerto Rican Hispanic Social Workers. (2016). About us. NAPRHSW.
National Association of Social Workers. (2021). About. National Association of Social Workers.
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. (2021). About NHPCO. NHPCO.
National Organization of Forensic Social Work. (2020). About NOFSW. NOFSW.
Network for Social Work Management. (2021). The network. NSWM.
North American Association of Christians in Social Work. (2021). About NACSW. NACSW.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. (2021). About RAINN. RAINN.
Rural Social Work Caucus (2021). The National Rural Social Work Caucus - organization by rumor. Rural Social Work Caucus.
School Social Work Association of America. (n.d.). Who we are. SSWAA.
Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care. (2021). SSWLHC.