Search Term |
Function |
When you use AND in-between two keywords, EBSCO pulls any articles that contain both words. This narrows the search so that there are fewer results. |
OR |
When you use OR in-between two keywords, EBSCO pulls articles that contain either word. This broadens the search so that there are more results. |
Placing the word NOT before a keyword will eliminate articles that contain that keyword. This can eliminate articles that are related to your topic, so use NOT with caution. |
* |
Placing an asterisk at the end of a word will find all variations of the word. |
“ ” |
Quotation marks are used to search for a specific phrase or title. |
The Welder Library Interlibrary Loan Policy explains what you need to do set up an ILLIAD account. Once you set that up, you may log in and use the account for requesting resources not held at the Welder Library. You will be able to:
Online students must use ILLIAD to request books and media held by the Welder Library, as well as surrounding libraries. It is vital that all students, both on campus and online, establish an ILLIAD account to obtain needed library materials. Books and media requested by online students will be forwarded to students by mail. Online students are responsible for return postage to return the item to Welder Library.
Interlibrary Loan Borrowing Policy
Note: Articles delivered to your ILLIAD account are only accessible for 30 days. After 30 days the software will display grayed out icons of article PDFs in your history, and you will no longer be able to access the article. If you need articles longer, you may want to keep a print or electronic copy when you first receive it.
For more information on ILLIAD, check out this Interlibrary Loan Tutorial.