Things to Consider:
Authorship (who is responsible for the information)
Accuracy (how accurate)
Currency (how current)
Publishing Body (consider URL such as .com, .org, etc)
Point of View (the bias)
Appropriateness (how will this affect your research)
Reference (box taken from):
Graham, C. K., (2020, August 25). Nursing websites.
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), this webpage organizes popular nursing topics and lists pertinent tools and research.
Assisted Learning for All Nursing Skills
Assisted Learning for All Nursing Students is an online collection of over 150 video clips of nursing procedures.
ConsultGeriRN is a portal for evidence-based healthcare information and guidelines.
Culture Care Connection provides tools and information sheets for increasing the cultural competence of health care providers serving Minnesota's diverse populations.
Global Library of Women's Medicine
This site consists of 442 specialist chapters, plus surgical videos, diagnostic atlases, laboratory tests and a special section on safer motherhood.
Hardin MD is a meta-directory (directory of site lists) that ranks websites and offers a broad array of links to nursing practice issues, care plans, and various types of nursing.
The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)
JBI offers evidence-based healthcare information, software, education and training designed to improve healthcare practice and health outcomes.
MedScape is the one-stop resource for medical news, clinical reference, and educational material.
National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
NCSBN provides research grants and internship opportunities for graduate nursing students. Further, this website contains NCLEX study tools, an NCLEX registration portal, and information on how to promptly get results after the NCLEX.
Nursing Skills Laboratory Online
This website offers a collection of video clips on nursing procedures.
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)
QSEN is a place for nurses to learn and share educational strategies that promote quality care, safety, and competency development.
Reference (edited, but box taken from):
Graham, C. K., (2020, August 25). Nursing websites.
Aging Statistics Statistics on medical coverage, life expectancy, population, time management, and economics among older adults.
AHRQ Data Resources & Tools Infographics (pictures of data results) depicting data on the access to healthcare, disease prevalence, and more. Contains "state snapshots" that compare states with regard to healthcare-related data.
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) The nation’s premier system of health-related telephone surveys that collect state data about U.S. residents regarding their health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services.
Healthy People 2020 Data Page Gold standard data resource. Search data from 42 different topic areas.
HRSA Data & Statistics Statistics on grants and funding state by state.
National Center for Health Statistics National nutrition and health survey results.
National Health Interview Survey (CDC) Content-heavy journal articles which summarize annual data trends.
National Survey of Family Growth (CDC) Information on family life, marriage and divorce, pregnancy, infertility, use of contraception, and men’s and women’s health.
National Vital Statistics System (CDC) The National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) provides the most complete data on births and deaths in the United States.
NIH/HSRIC Data, Tools & Statistics This resource contains databases, health statistics, international health statistics, and survey results.
General Health Status Resource for life expectancy (with international comparison), healthy-life expectancy, years of potential life lost, "physically and mentally unhealthy days," self-assessment results, data on the limitation of activities, and data on chronic disease prevalence.
U.S. Census Demographic FactFinder Use this resource to explore the US census data.
Reference (box taken from):
EKU Libraries. (2020, September 5). National data & statistics.