When you see this orange, open lock symbol that means that the resources allows the information to openly accessible, editable, and potentially reuse able. Open Access implies that the information is free from restriction, although there can be some limitations depending on the resource.
Open Access Resources:
ArcGIS Open Data is an online, collaborative web GIS that allows you to use, create, and share maps, scenes, apps, layers, analytics, and data.
Data.gov increases the ability of the public to easily find, download, and use datasets that are generated and held by the Federal Government.
Purpose is to understand and visualize critical issues facing the united States such as jobs, skills, and education. Data and data visualizations cover a large variety of industries and topics.
Digital repository where researchers can preserve and share their research including figures, datasets, images, and videos.
The first thing you should know is the use of data is multidisciplinary. Meaning that people from an discipline may use data in a variety of methods and ways to explore, support, and communicate their research.
Ways data can be used:
Figure 2.2: http://semanticommunity.info/Data_Science/Doing_Data_Science (2014)
Managing your data before you begin your research and throughout its life cycle is essential to ensure its current usability and long-run preservation and access. Use the checklist below to start the planning process.