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Theological Citations

Religious Works

In-text references to conciliar documents would benefit from the inclusion of the relevant section number(s), regardless of whether you are quoting or paraphrasing. Also, the APA 7th edition does not indicate whether 'Vatican Council II' or 'Second Vatican Council' should be used for in-text citations or references, so choose one form then use it consistently.

Conciliar Documents

  • Narrative citation
    • Vatican Council II (1975, section 14) described....
    • Vatican Council II (1965, section 9) states that...

  • In-text
    • (Vatican Council II, 1975, section 14)
    • (Vatican Council II, 1965, section 9)

  • Reference list
    • Vatican Council II. (1975). Dogmatic constitution on the Church, lumen gentium, 21 November, 1964. In A. Flannery (Ed.), Vatican Council II: The conciliar and post conciliar documents (pp. 350-426). Liturgical Press.
    • Vatican Council II. (1965, November 18). Dogmatic constitution on divine revelation: Dei verbum. The Holy See.

Reference (box taken from):

The University of Notre Dame Australia. (2020, December 3). APA referencing 7th edition. Retrieved from

In-text references to papal documents, such as encyclicals, would benefit from the inclusion of the relevant section number(s), regardless of whether you are quoting or paraphrasing.

Citations for papal documents

  • Narrative citation
    • Pope John Paul II (1995) depicts the certainty of future immortality as casting new light on the mystery of suffering and death (section 67). 
  • In-text citation:
    • (John Paul II, 1995, section 67)

Papal document - online

  • Reference list
    • John Paul II. (1995). Evangelium vitae [Encyclical letter]. Retrieved from

Papal document - print

  • Reference list
    • John Paul II. (1995). The gospel of life: Evangelium vitae. Random House.

Reference (box taken from):

The University of Notre Dame Australia. (2020, December 3). APA referencing 7th edition. Retrieved from